Building Cycle GAN Network From Scratch

Detailed implementation for building the network components

Posted by Naman Shukla on April 25, 2018

Recently by the same author:

Results and Analysis on Cycle GAN Implementation

A discussion about the implemented results and outcomes

Naman Shukla

Data Collection and Web Management

You may find interesting:

Discriminator Networks of CycleGANs

Build a Simplified Discriminator of CycleGANs

Discriminator Networks of CycleGANs

Build a Simplified Discriminator of CycleGANs

Quick Recap !

Up till now, we have successfully built our Generator and Discriminator network. Now it time to integrate this into a single model for cycle consistent network or Cycle GAN. To achieve that, here’s the game plan : First finish the data handling which involves all preprocessing of the data. Then, we have to implement the training and test for the network. Finally, integrate into one single module.

NOTE: This blog is going to be pretty heavy implementation oriented to be honest! we recommend to make yourself familiar with the previous posts on cycle GANs first if necessary.

Data Handling

We will be testing our implementation on standard dataset for unpaired image to image translation is available at EECS UC Berkeley’s CycleGAN web page. For preprocessing, we will be using the following code. This code will crop, resize and convert it into proper batch tensor that can be used for training and testing process.

def _parse_image(path):

    load_size = 286
    crop_size = 256
    img = tf.read_file(path)
    img = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img, channels=3)
    img = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(img)
    img = tf.image.resize_images(img, [load_size, load_size])
    img = (img - tf.reduce_min(img)) / (tf.reduce_max(img) - tf.reduce_min(img))
    img = tf.random_crop(img, [crop_size, crop_size, 3])
    img = img * 2 - 1
    return img

def getdata(sess, paths, batch_size, shuffle=True):

    prefetch_batch = 2
    num_threads = 16
    buffer_size = 4096
    repeat = -1

    _img_num = len(paths)

    dataset =

    # The map method takes a map_func argument that describes how each item in the Dataset should be transformed.
    dataset =, num_parallel_calls=num_threads)

    # Shuffle
    if shuffle:
        dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size)

    # this transformation combines consecutive elements of this dataset into batches.
    dataset = dataset.apply(

    # Repeats this dataset count times | repeated indefinitely if -1
    dataset = dataset.repeat(repeat).prefetch(prefetch_batch)

    return dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()

def batch(sess, dataset):

Network Training

This is the most crucial part of the entire implementation. The entire code is available in our repository. We will be following the following algorithm to create the training method.

We will be following the same network flow diagram presented in our theoretical blog. Its a good idea to keep this flow chart in the mind :)

First we will create a place holder for the the images.

# Creating placeholder for images
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_shape, image_shape, 3])
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_shape, image_shape, 3])
GofX = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_shape, image_shape, 3])
FofY = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, image_shape, image_shape, 3])

Then we will initialize the Generator and Discriminator networks

# Creating the generators and discriminator networks
GofX = gen.generator(X, no_of_residual_blocks, scope='G', output_channels=64)
FofY = gen.generator(Y, no_of_residual_blocks, scope='F', output_channels=64)
GofFofY = gen.generator(FofY, no_of_residual_blocks, scope='G', output_channels=64)
FofGofX = gen.generator(GofX, no_of_residual_blocks, scope='F', output_channels=64)

D_Xlogits = dis.build_gen_discriminator(X, scope='DX')
D_FofYlogits = dis.build_gen_discriminator(FofY, scope='DX')
D_Ylogits = dis.build_gen_discriminator(Y, scope='DY')
D_GofXlogits = dis.build_gen_discriminator(GofX, scope='DY')

Now we have to calculate all of our losses : Adversarial and Cyclic.

# Adversary and Cycle Losses for G
G_adv_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(D_GofXlogits, tf.ones_like(D_GofXlogits)))
G_cyc_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(GofFofY - Y)) * G_cyc_loss_lambda        # Put lambda for G cyclic loss here
G_tot_loss = G_adv_loss + G_cyc_loss

# Adversary and Cycle Losses for F
F_adv_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(D_FofYlogits, tf.ones_like(D_FofYlogits)))
F_cyc_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(FofGofX - X)) * F_cyc_loss_lambda        # Put lambda for F cyclic loss here
F_tot_loss = F_adv_loss + F_cyc_loss

# Total Losses for G and F
GF_tot_loss = G_tot_loss + F_tot_loss

# Losses for DX
DX_real_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(D_Xlogits, tf.ones_like(D_Xlogits)))
DX_fake_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(D_FofYlogits, tf.zeros_like(D_FofYlogits)))
DX_tot_loss = (DX_real_loss + DX_fake_loss) / 2

# Losses for DY
DY_real_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(D_Ylogits, tf.ones_like(D_Ylogits)))
DY_fake_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(D_GofXlogits, tf.zeros_like(D_GofXlogits)))
DY_tot_loss = (DY_real_loss + DY_fake_loss) / 2

Now, its time to optimize the variables from each of the networks.

# Optimization
# Getting all the variables that belong to the different networks
# I.e. The weights and biases in G, F, DX and DY
# This gets all the variables that will be initialized
network_variables = tf.trainable_variables()  
GF_variables = [variables for variables in network_variables if 'G' in or 'F' in]
DX_variables = [variables for variables in network_variables if 'DX' in]
DY_variables = [variables for variables in network_variables if 'DY' in]

optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate, beta1=0.5) 
GF_train_step = optimizer.minimize(GF_tot_loss, var_list=GF_variables)
DX_train_step = optimizer.minimize(DX_tot_loss, var_list=DX_variables)
DY_train_step = optimizer.minimize(DY_tot_loss, var_list=DY_variables)

We have to load the data now, we will be using the data handler functions that we have created earlier.

# Session on GPU
config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.Session(config=config)

# Obtaining dataset
# Training data
""" Need to define getdata"""
# dataset = 'horse2zebra'
Xpath = glob.glob('./Datasets/' + dataset + '/trainA/*.jpg')
Ypath = glob.glob('./Datasets/' + dataset + '/trainB/*.jpg')
X_data = io.getdata(sess, Xpath, batch_size)     # Need to define getdata
Y_data = io.getdata(sess, Ypath, batch_size)

# Test data
X_test_path = glob.glob('./Datasets/' + dataset + '/testA/*.jpg')
Y_test_path = glob.glob('./Datasets/' + dataset + '/testB/*.jpg')
X_test_data = io.getdata(sess, X_test_path, batch_size)     # Need to define getdata
Y_test_data = io.getdata(sess, Y_test_path, batch_size)     # Need to define getdata

Finally, its time to write the training loop !!

# Training
no_of_iterations = 0
for i in range(1, epochs + 1):
    for j in range(1, no_of_batches + 1):
        no_of_iterations += 1

        # Define Batch
        X_batch = io.batch(sess, X_data)
        Y_batch = io.batch(sess, Y_data)

        # Creating fake images for the discriminators
        GofXforDis, FofYforDis =[GofX, FofY], feed_dict={X: X_batch, Y: Y_batch})

        DX_output =[DX_train_step], feed_dict={X: X_batch, FofY: FofYforDis})

        DY_output =[DY_train_step], feed_dict={Y: Y_batch, GofX: GofXforDis})

        GF_output =[GF_train_step], feed_dict={X: X_batch, Y: Y_batch})

        # To see what some of the test images look like after certain number of iterations
        if no_of_iterations % 400 == 0:
            X_test_batch = io.batch(sess, X_test_data)  # Define batch
            Y_test_batch = io.batch(sess, Y_test_data)

            [GofX_sample, FofY_sample, GofFofY_sample, FofGofX_sample] =[GofX, FofY, GofFofY, FofGofX], feed_dict={X: X_test_batch, Y: Y_test_batch})

            # Saving sample test images
            for l in range(batch_size):

                new_im_X = np.zeros((image_shape, image_shape * 3, 3))
                new_im_X[:, :image_shape, :] = np.asarray(X_test_batch[l])
                new_im_X[:, image_shape:image_shape * 2, :] = np.asarray(GofX_sample[l])
                new_im_X[:, image_shape * 2:image_shape * 3, :] = np.asarray(FofGofX_sample[l])

                new_im_Y = np.zeros((image_shape, image_shape * 3, 3))
                new_im_Y[:, :image_shape, :] = np.asarray(Y_test_batch[l])
                new_im_Y[:, image_shape:image_shape * 2, :] = np.asarray(FofY_sample[l])
                new_im_Y[:, image_shape * 2:image_shape * 3, :] = np.asarray(GofFofY_sample[l])

                scipy.misc.imsave('./Output/Train/' + dataset + '/X' + str(l) + '_Epoch_(%d)_(%dof%d).png' % (i, j, no_of_batches), _to_range(new_im_X, 0, 255, np.uint8))
                scipy.misc.imsave('./Output/Train/' + dataset + '/Y' + str(l) + '_Epoch_(%d)_(%dof%d).png' % (i, j, no_of_batches), _to_range(new_im_Y, 0, 255, np.uint8))

                print("Epoch: (%3d) Batch Number: (%5d/%5d)" % (i, j, no_of_batches))


Additional Helper Function: This function makes sure that the range of the images generated is between 0 and 255. This function is taken LynnHo’s repository.

def _to_range(images, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, dtype=None):
    # transform images from [-1.0, 1.0] to [min_value, max_value] of dtype
    assert \
        np.min(images) >= -1.0 - 1e-5 and np.max(images) <= 1.0 + 1e-5 \
        and (images.dtype == np.float32 or images.dtype == np.float64), \
        'The input images should be float64(32) and in the range of [-1.0, 1.0]!'
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = images.dtype
    return ((images + 1.) / 2. * (max_value - min_value) + min_value).astype(dtype)

Network Testing

After some heavy lifting, we deserve something to chill. This is it! Here we just have to implement few steps from training but with slightly different structure.

def test(dataset_str='horse2zebra', img_width=256, img_height=256):
    """Test and save output images.
        dataset_str: Name of the dataset
        X_path, Y_path: Path to data in class X or Y
    image_shape = img_width

    if image_shape == 256:
        no_of_residual_blocks = 9
    elif image_shape == 128:
        no_of_residual_blocks = 6

    # Session on GPU
    config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True

    with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
        # X and Y are for real images.
        X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, img_width, img_height, 3])
        Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, img_width, img_height, 3])

        # Build graph for generator to produce images from real data.
        GofX = gen.generator(X, no_of_residual_blocks, scope='G', output_channels=64)
        FofY = gen.generator(Y, no_of_residual_blocks, scope='F', output_channels=64)
        # Convert transformed images back to original one (cyclic).
        Fof_GofX = gen.generator(GofX, no_of_residual_blocks, scope='F', output_channels=64)
        Gof_FofY = gen.generator(FofY, no_of_residual_blocks, scope='G', output_channels=64)

        saver = tf.train.Saver(None)

        # Restore checkpoint.
        # --------------- Need to implement utils!!!!! ----------------
            saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint("./Checkpoints/" + dataset_str))
            print('Checkpoints Restored !')
            raise Exception('No checkpoint available!')

        # Load data and preprocess (resize and crop).
        X_path_ls = glob.glob('./Datasets/' + dataset_str + '/testA/*.jpg')
        Y_path_ls = glob.glob('./Datasets/' + dataset_str + '/testB/*.jpg')

        batch_size_X = len(X_path_ls)
        batch_size_Y = len(Y_path_ls)

        X_data = getdata(sess, X_path_ls, batch_size_X)
        Y_data = getdata(sess, Y_path_ls, batch_size_Y)

        # Get data into [batch_size, img_width, img_height, channels]
        X_batch = batch(sess, X_data)
        Y_batch = batch(sess, Y_data)

        print('test data :' + dataset_str + '- uploaded!')
        # Feed into test procedure to test and save results.
        X_save_dir = './Output/Test/' + dataset_str + '/testA'
        Y_save_dir = './Output/Test/' + dataset_str + '/testB'

        _test_procedure(X_batch, sess, GofX, Fof_GofX, X, X_save_dir, image_shape)
        _test_procedure(Y_batch, sess, FofY, Gof_FofY, Y, Y_save_dir, image_shape)
def _test_procedure(batch, sess, gen_real, gen_cyc, real_placeholder, save_dir, image_shape):
    """Procedure to perform test on a batch of real images and save outputs.
        gen_real: Generator that maps real data to fake image.
        gen_cyc: Generator that maps fake image back to original image.
        real_placeholder: Placeholder for real image.
        save_dir: Directory to save output image.
    print('Test Images sent to generator..')
    gen_real_out, gen_cyc_out =[gen_real, gen_cyc],
                                         feed_dict={real_placeholder: batch})
    print('Images obtatined back generator..')
    for i in range(batch.shape[0]):
        # A single real image in batch.
        real_img = batch[i]
        new_im = np.zeros((image_shape, image_shape * 3, 3))
        new_im[:, :image_shape, :] = np.asarray(real_img)
        new_im[:, image_shape:image_shape * 2, :] = np.asarray(gen_real_out[i])
        new_im[:, image_shape * 2:image_shape * 3, :] = np.asarray(gen_cyc_out[i])

        scipy.misc.imsave(save_dir + 'Image(%d).png' % (i), _to_range(new_im, 0, 255, np.uint8))
        print("Save image.")

The Last Step

This is the final step that we’ve been waiting for so long ! Here’s the snippet from the main function :

import tensorflow as tf
import train
from test import test

if __name__ == '__main__':'monet2photo', epochs=75, image_shape=256, batch_size=1, G_cyc_loss_lambda=10.0, F_cyc_loss_lambda=10.0, learning_rate=0.0002)
    print("Training completed!")
    test(dataset_str='monet2photo', img_width=256, img_height=256)
    print("Testing completed! Enjoy your life!!!")

The detailed analysis is done in the post on blaa. Feel free to reuse our code, and of course keep an eye on our blog. Comments, corrections and feedback are welcome.


  1. Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks
  2. Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks
  3. Training and investigating Residual Nets
  4. Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution
  5. Repository - LynnHo
  6. Understanding and Implementing CycleGAN in TensorFlow